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Your Energy Solutions Cooperative

Price Electric News

The PEC scholarship window is now open for local, at-large, and non-traditional students. For more information, click here.



Join us for our Watts & Brats events. A picnic style meal from 5:00-6:00 p.m. followed by a short project updates meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. 

March 26: PEC Office, W6803 Springs Dr., Phillips

April 9: Ogema Public Library, W5005 WI-86, Ogema, WI

April 16: Agenda Town Hall, 13922 Agenda Rd, Butternut, WI


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Providing updates on PEC service anniversaries, safety tips, program information, and more!


Who We Are

Community. Innovation. Reliability.

Our Mission

Founded in July 1940, mission of Price Electric Cooperative is to provide access to safe, reliable, and affordable electric service. 

As a member of a local cooperative, you are part of a unique business that is owned and controlled by the people it serves. 

Member Bylaws

Rural Cooperatives

Because we operate in rural areas and have relatively low usage consumers, our rates are not as low as investor owned utilities which serve population centers in this area. We serve approximately 5 meters per mile of line compared to an average of 31 meters per mile for investor owned utilities. Their consumer base allows them to spread their expenses per mile over six times more meters, resulting in lower rates.