Power Outages:

Report your outage by calling 800-884-0881

Cooperative Principles

Cooperatives are guided by seven principles and are essential to the coop business model which benefits all members. 

Member Bylaws


Voluntary and Open Membership

Membership is open to everyone in our service territory, regardless of race, religion, age, disability, gender, language, political belief, or socioeconomic status. 

Democratic Member Control

We are locally governed by a board of directors, and each member gets a voice and a vote in how the coop is run, and each voice and vote are equal. 

Members' Economic Participation

Our mission is to provide safe, reliable, and affordable electric service to our members. We are also motivated by service to the community, rather than profits. Members contribute equally to, and democratically control, the capital of PEC. At least part of that capital remains the common property of the cooperative. 

Autonomy and Independence

The coop operates in an autonomous way that is solely directed and guided by its members, reflecting the values and needs of our local community. 

Education, Training, and Information

We continuously invest in learning for our employees, board members, and members. All members receive our magazine each month so we can share the latest coop news, updates, and other information.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

In the case of an electric cooperative, we put this principle in action after major storms or disasters that cause widespread power outages. We can call upon nearby coops to come to our aid and assist with restoration efforts.

Concern for Community

We serve our community not only by being an essential service, but by helping to power our local communities. Whether through economic development, volunteerism, or donations to local charitable organizations, we invest in our community because it is our home too.