Power Outages:

Report your outage by calling 800-884-0881

Load Management

PEC's load management program is operated in cooperation with PEC's wholesale power provider, Dairyland Power Cooperative. 

The program shifts electricity use to times when demand is lower and electricity is less expensive. 

Load Management Agreement

Load Management Program Guidelines

Load Control Status


If you are currently enrolled in the load management program, you can sign up to receive notifications of a control. If you would like to receive notifications, contact the PEC office by email at memberservices@priceelectric.coop or phone at 800-884-0881.


Load Management Options

Dual Fuel Heat

If a property is enrolled in the dual fuel program, it is equipped with an electric heating system. The electric heat is metered separately and is switched off during peak demand or price periods via a load control receiver installed by a PEC technician. The dual fuel program provides participating members with a reduced rate for electric heat. The reduced rate is made possible by the cost savings that occur when heating loads are controlled during periods of high electricity demand or prices.

More Information